Thursday, May 14, 2009

Broken Dreams

The weather outside was beautiful, cool and calm, like one of those days that makes you feel rejuvenated. But he was not concerned about the weather, barely noticing it. Sweating profusely, he walked with a fast pace that belied his nervousness, repeatedly checking the contents in the breast pocket of his blazer.
Reaching home, he frantically searched for his the keys. His wife was at work and was expected to return in an hour's time. His 2 kids, innocent little girls were at a day care center. They would be back with his wife.
Still sweating around, he kept his briefcase on the table and threw away his blazer on the couch,thinking let me just rest a while . Then suddenly, as if remembering something he got up and took both of these things into his bedroom.
Hands trembling, he took out the slip of paper as if it could explode any moment. How did he not see this coming? There were rumors floating all around for weeks before. He still kept hope, thinking that he would not be affected by all this. His thoughts went back to the day when the unthinkable happened. It came like a shock to him, like lightning out of the sky. Everything happened so fast.

Now he was thinking. Thinking hard as to what could be done. His wife, the kids. He thought he had let down all of them. His parents back at home. Old and aged, they had scrapped up money for him and his brother so that he could study and work here. Everyone in his family was so proud of the fact that he had made it big in the land of dreams. Alas, his dreams were shattered. All is over he thought. Today is the day of deliverance.
Reaching out nervously to his briefcase, he opened it and stared at the contents. How easy it is to get something like this here, he thought. Picking it up and opening it, he felt the cold metal in his hand. It would be so easy to finish everything now. But he did not want his family to suffer. He had not disclosed this to them. Why should they suffer with me?
His thoughts went back to home, his parents, staying with his brother. Atleast someone is there to take care of them. But here there is no one for his wife and kids.
All of a sudden, he heard the siren of a police car. For a second he was scared. Did someone see him buying it? Oh God, what do I do now he thought. Quickly he hid the gun under the mattress of the bed. There was a knock on the door, someone calling out his name.
Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, he opened the door to a police officer standing there. The officer was muttering about some accident, involving a woman and 2 small girls. Everything was a blur for him. He did not understand.
Then the officer broke it to him. His wife, the car, his kids, driven off a bridge. Then it struck him.
The officer gave him a piece of paper, he opened it, dazed and shocked. It read "I have let down everyone, I am going, Bye".
He fell to his knees, the officer gently helping him up. He said that their bodies are at a morgue. Please come along to identify them.Not even bothering to lock his house, he just went along with him. Everything was finished. How could lightning strike twice.
The officer was graceful enough to drop him home. They would call him again they said.

Two days later, the officer was back. He knocked at the door, but there was no response. He tried the handle, it was open. Calling out his name, he went inside. Then the stench hit him. He went into the bedroom, and saw it, like many times before. A note, a body and a gun.
Shaking his head, he radioed his team. Another one of those, why do people do this? He waited there till his team arrived. Carefully his team completed the necessary proceedings. Finally he locked the house and put the tape on it which said "Police line, do not cross". Turning back, he sat in his car, siren wailing. He took one final look and drove away.

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